Tuesday, May 6, 2008

heat reaction

heat reaction is the name of the design of global warming,and the final look ,in which presinting the planet earth and the steps of the heat which is happing ,and for the earth to reach to an extend of where it can't take it,where it change to a rocket at any moment it will explode so fast .

the final step

the final step which is to make the back ground , in which i used the rectangle and changing some of the gradient and color .

the second rocket

third step

the third step is to make a rocket which is the big change for our planet and the final step .
actually i mad one rocket ,but i dint find it soteball then i found another which is ready in the illustrator symbols both are shown .the first is what i mad ,the second is the ready one which i used for this design.

second step

second step of this project is to make a thermometer ,to show how the heat is raising in our earth.
By using ellipse tool and the rectangle tool then merging them together and filling it withe red
color and changing the gradient .


the final project which is ,global warming and i start it withe the planet earth withe the map .
And i mad the map with the normal tool pencil tool ,and the planet withe ellipse tool ,withe adding colors for three chaps and change the gradient for each chap ,like how its shown.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

final step

the final step is to add the font and the number .

third step

third step is to create the bottoms of the number of the month,which is in a chap of glassy bottoms ,and for that i used rectangle tool ,then make an arrangement with the to radil. doblcating the layer .

second step

the second step is to create the firework, and in that i used star tool and then i added symbol "snowflake",then i added some effect from filters distort "puker&ploat",for this quallity i've dublckated the layer then blend it four time .

first step

the first step of this project is to create the stars and the background. To create the stars, i used star tool and transformed it from "object" option menu using a gray color, and the background using rectangle tool with black colored background.

Happiness of Blessing

Happiness of blessing is the name of this project, it holds a one month calendar layout. I have chosen the month of October because it carries Eid ul-Fitr, it is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan,and all muslims celebrate this occasion, with full happiness and fiireworks play a big role in this occasion. Therefore, i got the idea to discribe it through the background. The black color discribes the night of the occasion, and the fireworks describes the happiness we gain that particular day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

this is the first sample .


one of the result when i was expermenting the program .

positive view final

this is the final lock of the logo .

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

the other sample of positive view , actually there is some mistake in the trowing , and there will be allot of improvement in the next step .

positive view
this is a sample of the logo positive view , which will be present it in week seven ,and it is my personal logo from now on word ,which contain of four cooler , red green blue and yellow,in a shape of plus(+) sign filed with circles.